
 Friday, June 15, 2023 KG Students Part-time job Survey Analysis                                   KG students part-time job survey Analysis                                                 My research topic : Part-time job Target : Kwansei University students Number of respondents : 11 (Summary) Students answered 8 questions about part-time job. (Results) 1. Graph1 is the gender rate of people answered. It is easy to sumpling date because gender rate is almost same. 2.Graph2 is the age of people. 19~20 age People answered this survey.  In this survey, Almost all of students are 19 or 20 who are peak season to do part-time job. 3.Graph 3 shows the season students start first part-time job. About herf of students started part-time job in spring semister of first period. In this date did not have students started in 2021, so all people started  after university. 4.This pai chart shows how many kinds of part-time job people experienced. Unexpectedly, there are one third of people expe
  Please answer this survey 読み込んでいます…
My Invention The Perfect eyecontact    (Original Problem & Idea / Solution) Recently, many people has the near-sight, so many they use grass or contact lens. These people should replace new one if their near-sight become more serious than before. Also, elderly people should use near-sight glass and seniar glass one by one.  My invetion is that people do not need change glass and coordinate pints how they want. (Specifics) ・Perfect eyecontact enable people to see for far place or too near place they want to see.  ・ The high-technology lends coordinate or eyes pint.  ・Perfect eyecontact is like camera.     People can change pints by moving eyes correct way. ・It can be replaced forthe old glass too. ・This products costs 158,000 yen that consist of tax. (Summary) This itemes improve our life more conveniently. People can see far and near without tiing glass. Also, this glass can coordinate pints like natural eyes. In my vision, this contact lends imput people`s eyes and control pints f
  Product Review Alterlook2 for Biycycle (Overview) Alterlook is the goods of protect your biycycle. We put this elongated plastic on our biycycle. It is unvisiable for other people.  If someone intend to take our biycycle away, Alterlook sound loud alarm, and track our biycycle by GPS. We can look all time where our biycycle is. (Features) ・The vertical and horizontal are 10cm, 3cm. The height is about 1cm.  ・AlterLook has the type C connecter. Battery is charged from it. ・This item can be controled by your smartphone via application.  ・It cost 1,2000yen in internet shop. (Pros and Cons) (+)It can trace your biycycle whereever and whenever it goes. (+)Because of plain manuals, it is easy for us to put it to biycycle. (+)If something happen, AlterLook alarms to your smartphone, so you can notic easily. (-)It is not cheap. (-)This battery is short. (Rating) I give AlterLook a score 9/10 This goods very funtastic because I can take it easy for my biycycle. In fact, I have ever been strol
    Trabel Plan I want to go to Kanada someday. That`s because, I want to see Naiagara Falls. Naiagara Falls is very beautiful nature place. This is the Naiagara Falls Also, I want to go Ottawa where the capital of Kanada. Ottawa has a lot of beautiful buildings and shop around. We will get experience of going into atmosphere of rich. If you go Ottawa, you must see the building of embassy in Kanada. This building is the symbol of Kanada, and this building very fashionable. This is the Ottawa. Senter building is embassy of Kanada.  Also, Kanada is near the US, so we can access US easy. This movie show you what Kanada about.

My hometown

        Tamba city https://www.city.tamba.lg.jp My hometown is Tamba city in Hyogo prefecture. Tamba is between Sasayama city and Hukuciyama. If you go Tamba, you take 1 hour by the car or train.  This is Tamba ↓ Beautiful landscapes↓ Beautiful nature↓ ◆Tamba has very beautiful nature and a lot of attracted point. ・First, Tamba has many beautiful nature and spot. For example, Kawashiro Keikoku is very good plase to see cherry blossum and clear waterfull. Moreover, dinosaur fossil called Tamba Doragon found in there, so this plase is very special. There is the muciam near there too. This is the Kawashiro Keikoku↓ This is the Tamba Doragon↓ ・Second, Tamba has numerous attracted food and feature. Such as Kuromame and chestnut,   meet and so on. Take a look at this movie. You will know what Tamba is ,and Tamba`s delicious food. As you can see, Tamba has a lot of food restaurant. It is very available.  If you want to go Tamba, I am pleasure. Thank you..
Hello, World! My name is Shogo. Welcome to my website. Please come visit this website. I will post about travel and my research and other topics which are interesting for me! Yours truly