My hometown

        Tamba city

My hometown is Tamba city in Hyogo prefecture. Tamba is between Sasayama city and Hukuciyama. If you go Tamba, you take 1 hour by the car or train. 

This is Tamba ↓

Beautiful landscapes↓

Beautiful nature↓

◆Tamba has very beautiful nature and a lot of attracted point.

・First, Tamba has many beautiful nature and spot. For example, Kawashiro Keikoku is very good plase to see cherry blossum and clear waterfull. Moreover, dinosaur fossil called Tamba Doragon found in there, so this plase is very special. There is the muciam near there too.

This is the Kawashiro Keikoku↓

This is the Tamba Doragon↓

・Second, Tamba has numerous attracted food and feature. Such as Kuromame and chestnut, meet and so on. Take a look at this movie. You will know what Tamba is ,and Tamba`s delicious food. As you can see, Tamba has a lot of food restaurant. It is very available.

 If you want to go Tamba, I am pleasure. Thank you..
